On the social side...
Garry Martin. 'Cameo' “I couldn’t bring my 14year old daughter in here,” she said, having noticed a unique sculptural feature on the...
The Gallery
THE GALLERY The Picasso’s, yes, the Picasso’s. Where to start? It’s so difficult. Where did we start? We pretty well just drifted into...
Towards recognition
TOWARDS RECOGNITION Very soon after our arrival we invited the hospitality industry bodies, the AA and the English Tourist Board, but for...
The Flexible Friend
THE FLEXIBLE FRIEND I first became aware of him one sunny afternoon when a table by the window in the bar suddenly let go a loud cheer as...
Early we got lucky
EARLY WE GOT LUCKY Early, that is before many weeks went by, we got lucky. Various projects we weren’t expecting came to town and the...
Fast Forward
Suddenly I’m 78. I don’t know how it happened. It just crept up on me. Time’s pretty sneaky. Face it, a lot of people my age have been...
ROOM 9 The first real departure from the norm towards the fantastic was Room 9. It was indeed the first hint of a sculpture in progress....
The Dawning
We soon got over the shock of our new situation, hitting the ground at a dawdle we groped around feeling our way cautiously, tasting,...
I remember well the moment we arrived as owners. There had been a hitch in the smooth transfer of the purchase funds and we had to drive...
So, what shall we do now then?
What shall we do now then is the question we asked after selling our newsagents business and still not having enough money to retire. ...